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ABDO wants to hear your views on employing DO’s 

ABDO wants to hear your views on employing DO’s

The Association of British Dispensing Opticians (ABDO) is looking for practice owners and managers to contribute to a new research project to explore the benefits of employing a dispensing optician, and barriers that make it difficult.

ABDO head of communications and IT Antonia Chitty says, “We want to learn more about the difficulties employers have when considering taking on a DO, and what stops them, as well as exploring more about the contributions DOs make in practice. This work will feed into ABDO’s upcoming campaigns, so please do take this chance to contribute.”

If you are involved in running a practice on a day-to-day basis and would like to earn £100 for an hour of your time discussing your views with an independent researcher, please fill in the short survey, below, to tell us about yourself.

Participants will be selected from those who respond to ensure spread of roles and locations.


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