(ABDO) Level 5 Management & Leadership courses closing
Applications close 8 August for the Association of British Dispensing Opticians’ (ABDO) Level 5 Management & Leadership courses.
ABDO Management & Leadership Training is a great way to turn any informal learning into a recognised qualification through a course of study and assessment. The training courses are accredited by the Chartered Management Institute (CMI) which also assesses and awards the level 5 qualification.
Students who have completed the course say that they are relevant, resources are easy to locate and use, tutors are easy to contact and respond in a timely fashion with the relevant information, and the courses are good value for money. All students said they would recommend the courses to others.
Mark Turner FBDO SMC(Tech) has completed the level 5 diploma and says, “I never realised there are so many tools and theories which can help you in developing, managing, and leading individuals. I’d advise always to try and stretch yourself a little: this course offers just that and will be useful to anyone who is already in a similar role or looking to further their career. The tutoring has been very productive: the tutors will check, guide, and give constructive feedback on your work. I’d absolutely recommend this course to others.”

Nick Walsh, ABDO’s Head of Corporate Development says, “These courses from ABDO are the ideal next step for any manager, whether you are just starting out or looking to formalise knowledge and experience gained in practice.” He adds, “As a manager you need to make time for your own development: this will improve the success of the business, the effectiveness of the team and the morale of the team as well as bringing benefits to your career.”
The qualification is well recognised. Students get membership of CMI and access to the support and materials that they offer including the fantastic ManagementDirect online resource. It is an ideal way for employers to develop managers and train up those aspiring to a management role.
ABDO Management and Leadership Training is entirely via e-learning and with the support of a tutor, removing the need for time away from the business to complete study. The qualification can be completed at either a diploma or certificate level.
To find out more, go to www.abdo.org.uk/MLT and apply by 8 August.