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ABDO General Secretary to step down at the end of 2022

ABDO General Secretary to step down at the end of 2022

The Association of British Dispensing Opticians (ABDO) General Secretary, Sir Anthony Garrett CBE HonFBDO has announced that he will step down from his current role at the end of 2022 after more than twenty years with the organisation.

Tony Garrett Sir Anthony says, “Whilst I am still enjoying my role with ABDO it is clear to me that the Association is about to enter a new and exciting chapter. It is appropriate therefore that a new chief executive be appointed to oversee our future activities over the long term. I will spend the next year doing my best to ensure that my successor has the best possible platform to work from.”

The ABDO Board will discuss arrangements for finding a successor at its meeting in January 2022. ABDO President Jo Holmes FBDO says, “It is with mixed emotions that we hear about Tony Garrett’s retirement plans. ABDO has been fortunate to have his expertise over the years, especially during these turbulent times. Many have succeeded under his guidance and encouragement, and he is a mentor and friend to all. We are pleased to have plenty of time to consider a suitable replacement in the coming months.”

Sir Anthony will continue to look after the affairs of ABDO College for the foreseeable future.

Eds.View: Sir Tony has steered the ABDO boat for a very long while. I remember meeting him when Chair at FODO when he was appointed at ABDO. He has alwyas provide a calm and considered viewpoint throughout the period especially when optical bodies were reguarly at loggerheads and has raised the profile of ABDO and especially the College throughout his tenure. Optics won’s seem the same without him but I am sure we he will continue to make an appearance at key times. Well done Tony.

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