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ISD-DE announce Science Meeting 6 Symposia

The 6 Symposia take place in the Scientific Meeting following the Update Course on May 29th.

You can see the full day’s Update Course Lectures here Update-Course-Programme-19-April-2024

ISD-DE Scientific Meeting Symposia

International Society Dacryology & Dry Eye (ISD-DE) County Hall London

Thursday and Friday 30th and 31st May

These Six Symposia form a vital part of the Congress for attendees and cover advanced aspects of both Dry and Watery Eyes, prepared and presented by International leaders in their field:

Thursday 30th May 

  1. Watery Eyes: Meet the lacrimal team – Surgeon, Anaesthetist, ENT – and Dermatologist! All about Dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR).

 Chair: Mr Ahmad Aziz

11am to 12.15pm 

11.00am Mr Ahmad Aziz: Introduction

11.05am Mr Ahmad Aziz: A novel approach for intraoperative endonasal haemostasis

11.15am Dr Natalie Spierings: Dermatology and DCR – What to Consider

11.25am Ms Vickie Lee: Ocular surface in relation to DCR

11.35am Ms Catherine Rennie: Nasal conditions for the DCR surgeon to be aware of

11.45am Ms Catherine Rennie: Complication of DCR needing repair as an emergency

11.50am Dr Mark Ferguson: Management of nasal bleeding post DCR surgery

12.00pm All speakers Q&A

12.15pm End

Synopsis: This is all about how to identify and prepare a patient for watery eye surgery, first excluding dry eyes. This involves a multi-disciplinary team often of lacrimal surgeon, ocular surface ophthalmologist, dermatologist, ENT surgeon, and anaesthetist.


  1. FCI Gold Sponsor on Stents, Plugs and Tubes in Watery Eyes

2pm – 3pm

Introduction by Mr. Anthony Dauce FCI’s Chief Operating Officer and International Sales & Marketing Director

Chair: Dr Rey Javate

2.00pm Introduction by FCI

2.05pm Dr Rey Javate: Lacrimal Stents and Intubation

2.20pm Dr Lionel Stork: StopLoss Jones Tubes

2.35pm Mr Saul Rajak: DCR technique with FCI Nunchaku

2.50pm All speakers Q&A

3.00pm End

Synopsis: This is all about inserting stents to keep lacrimal outflow system patent and help drain tears. It covers watery eyed patients.

Friday May 31st

  1. TFOS Lifestyle and Dry Eye

09.45 am – 11.00am

Chair: Ms Rachna Murthy

9.45am Ms Rachna Murthy: Introduction

9.50am Mr Jonahan Roos: The eyelid microbiome in dry eye disease and environmental factors (TFOS report)

10.00am Ms Nikolina Budimlija: Hormones, Menopause & OSD
10.10am Ms Rachna Murthy: in the eye of the storm- The impact of cosmetics on the ocular surface (TFOS report)

10.20am Ms Nikolina Budimlija: The Role of Surgery in OSD (TFOSReport)
10.30am Mr Jonathan Roos: The role of hypochlorous and intense pulsed light in OSD

10.40  All speakers: Q&A

11.00 End, adjourn for coffee

Synopsis: The Tear Film & Ocular Surface Society (TFOS) Workshop entitled ‘A Lifestyle Epidemic: Ocular Surface Disease’ was a global initiative undertaken to establish the direct and indirect impacts of everyday lifestyle choices and challenges on ocular surface health. This Symposium, with members from the TFOS workshops summarises the evidence-based conclusions and recommendations of the highest impact TFOS Lifestyle Workshops and the role of hormones & periocular microbiome in OSD.


  1. Lacrimal Oncology

09.45am – 10.45am

Chair: Dr Gangadhara Sundar

09.45am Dr Gangadhara Sundar: Introduction

09.50am Dr Anna Schuh: Overview of lacrimal drainage system (LDS) tumours

10.00am Dr Guy Ben Simon: Presentation, Diagnosis and Imaging

10.10am Dr Gangadhara Sundar: Evolving paradigms in management

10.20pm Professor Geoff Rose: The challenge of medial canthal lesions – hits and misses

10.30 pm All speakers: Case based discussions

10.43pm Dr Gangadhara Sundar: Concluding remarks

10.45pm End

Synopsis: This mini-symposium will feature global experts sharing their expertise on the prevalence, presentation, differential diagnosis, conceptual approach to diagnosis and management of lacrimal drainage system (LDS) tumours in addition to sharing some interesting challenging medial canthal lesions that may simulate LDS tumours and vice versa.


  1. DASS (Dry Anophthalmic Socket Syndrome) and lacrimal system dysfunction in patients wearing an ocular prosthesis

11.30am – 12.30am

Chair: Dr Alessandra Modugno

11.30am Introduction: Dr Alessandra Modugno

11.32am Dr Alessandra Modugno: DASS (Dry Anophthalmic Socket Syndrome) in patients wearing an ocular prosthesis: clinical signs, management and ocular surface changes.

11.40am Mrs Sri Kala Gore: Watering and mucous symptoms in children with microphthalmia and anophthalmia.

11.50am Dr Alessandra Modugno and Mr Daniele Lorenzano: How to improve the corneal tolerance in patients wearing a shell prosthesis over a phthisical eye.

12.00pm Mr Daniele Lorenzano: Eyelid malpositions and contracted socket: the influence on the ocular surface.

12.15pm All speakers: Q&A

Synopsis: Watery, mucous-ridden, or dry sockets can be a challenging situation for adults and children wearing an ocular prosthesis. Understanding the potential cause, which is often multifactorial, is the first step in diagnosis and management. Clinical signs and symptoms and various aspects including ocular surface changes will be explored during the symposium. Dry Anophthalmic Socket Syndrome (DASS) is a condition occurring to patients wearing an ocular prosthesis. A special focus will be dedicated to children wearing ocular prosthesis and to their specific lacrimal drainage issues. Eyelid malposition and contracted sockets management will also be addressed.


  1. Paediatric Watering eyes

2.00pm – 3.15 pm

Chair: Dr Angela Dolmetsch

2.00pm Dr Angela Dolmetsch: Introduction:

2.05pm Dr Martin Emesz: Early Treatment of Congenital Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction (CNLDO) – Results

2.15pm Dr Hunter Yuen: Use of Nasal Endoscope in congenital NLDO – The actual advantages

2.25pm Mehdi Fendri: Dacryoplasty for the late management of CNLDO

2.35pm Rey Javate: Pediatric Transcanalicular Endoscopic Lacrimal Duct Recanalization (TELDR)

2.45pm Dr Angela Dolmetsch: Endoscopic lacrimal Surgery in Children

3.10pm All Speakers: Q&A

3.15pm End – Adjourn for Tea

Synopsis: In this symposium on watering eyes in children the controversies on the management of congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction are discussed, including early and late management, simple probing, endoscopically assisted, dacryoplasty and recanalisation.

Register Now Here For one or all three days (31 CPD Points available )

The Social Programme

The meeting is providing many Social Opportunities to enjoy your 3 days with your colleagues and new found friends with an interest in Dry and Watery Eye, its latest treatments and advice on starting or improving your Dry Eye Community Clinic.

On Day 1 join them and the exhibitors and speakers at a free evening reception 18.00 to 20.00 at County Hall REGISTER

Day 2 A Gala Dinner at the Oxo Tower Restaurant, Barge House Street, London SE1 9PH 19.00 to 22.00 REGISTER


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