Business Briefings on Primary Health Net’s Knowledge pages

This series of briefing notes are designed to make you consider how you could best help yourself and your business improve performance, raise staff morale and achieve measurable business profitability.

Read them through and see if they spark some ideas in your own mind. If they do, then the very fact that they have triggered some thought processes will act as a precursor to a better business. Successful businesses don’t run on luck or good location, although both help; they are the result of team work and a motivated workforce.

If you have anything to contribute to our business briefings then please don’t hesitate to email on

Here is a list of Past and Present Briefings which remain pertinent:

Practice Development

Thinking about buying equipment or improving your practice, then think carefully.

Keeping Stock Levels to a Minimum


GDPR new format for data protection on 25th May 2018 a relook at the changed rules.


We have a series of briefings revised as required on VAT

April 1st 2019 was VAT MTD day. Are you complyingAT:


Paying Too Much VAT Out of Net Profits?

Practice Management Software

A series of briefings revised on the uses of practice management software:

Practice Management Software: Introduction

Practice Management Software: The Basics

Practice Management Software: The Paperless Practice

Advantages of Practice Management Stock Modules for VAT