Providing innovation, insight, knowledge and training
OSA is the Optical Suppliers Association, providing innovation, insight, knowledge and training for the whole of the UK optical industry. We support a wide range of activities that benefit the sector as a whole and the people who work within it.
We provide a thriving network for companies involved in all aspects of manufacturing, distribution and supply of lenses, frames, ophthalmic instruments and equipment, contact lenses, consumables and accessories, as well as shopfitters and providers of IT and business services to optical practices.
OSA is delighted to be working with Media 10 to help deliver 100% Optical between 29-31 Jan 2022. After a challenging 2020 for everyone, 100% Optical will be a brilliant opportunity to get the whole optical sector together at one major event.
OSA is a Headline Sponsor of PHN’s Opchat News
Here are the benefits of Membership
A sustainability glossary was created and available on the OSA website and an OSA members green charter will also be released soon. All members are invited to join the committee and the next
100% Optical (25-27 February 2023)
OSA will have a stand at 100% Optical and OSA members can use the meeting rooms on the stand for FREE (subject to availability). Our members can also use our stand for presentations or lectures. We are in constant dialogue with Media 10 to ensure that OSA members can get the best out of the exhibition and we look forward to seeing you and supporting you there.
Focus Group Meetings
We recently held a meeting of the Frames Focus Group and we are looking into holding meetings of the Equipment and Lens Focus Groups soon. These meetings provide sector specific updates and information for members.
Digital / E-Health
This is a pressing issue in the optical sector and OSA members will be leading the debate on this.
We have created a focus group for members who deal with software and technology to keep updated and informed with the latest news in this evolving sector.
Health Assured Employee Assistance Programme (EAP)
EAP is designed to help anyone deal with personal and professional problems that could be affecting your home life or work life, health, and general wellbeing.
30% discount on testing and consultancy services
OSA members can receive a 30% discount on consultancy services from Spectroplus ( which help ensure compliance for eyewear products and quality management systems . This can include setting up to MDR for both MHRA and European authorities, as well as PPE regulations for sunglasses. There is also a 30% discount on testing of spectacle frames, reading glasses and sunglasses.
Annual Christmas Luncheon and AGM
OSA members and their guests come together every December following the AGM, to network and enjoy networking opportunities, and a catch up with friends within the OSA and across the optical sector.
2020 was obviously a little different due to Covid 19 but a virtual AGM took place on 4 December. We will be announcing the location and date of our 2021 Christmas lunch soon. There will also be a summer members’ event in June (June 23rd)
HR Knowledge Base
OSA members can register to get access to the HR Knowledge Base, created by HR Solutions. Your membership benefit also includes 3 free calls to the HR Advice Line as well as access to HR Updates, Risk Audits and Webinars.
Health Assured’s EAP (Employee Assistance Programme).
The health and wellbeing of OSA members and their employees is hugely important. We are therefore proud to offer you all access to an Employee Assistance Programme (EAP), delivered by Health Assured – the UK and Ireland’s leading wellbeing provider.
What is an Employee Assistance Programme (EAP)?
An EAP is a confidential employee benefit designed to help you deal with personal and professional problems that could be affecting your home life or work life, health, and general wellbeing.
Our EAP service provides a complete support network that offers expert advice and compassionate guidance 24/7, covering a wide range of issues. We strongly believe in providing an EAP service that offers not only reactive support when someone needs it but also proactive and preventative support to deliver the best possible outcomes.
With Health Assured there really is a better way
Balancing everyday life with the requirements of work and home can create pressures for all of us. Work is a large part of people’s lives. With increasing working hours as well as technological developments to support remote working, it is vital to ensure that there is a productive, healthy environment that is conducive to a healthy lifestyle.
Services Available
• Life support: Access to counselling for emotional problems and a pathway to structured therapy sessions (employees only) at your convenience.
• Legal information: For issues that cause anxiety or distress including debt management, consumer, property or neighbour disputes (employees only).
• Bereavement support: Health Assured offers qualified and experienced counsellors who can help with grief plus legal advisors to help with related legal matters.
• Medical information: Qualified nurses are on hand to offer support on a range of medical or health-related issues offering practical information and advice.
• Online CBT: We recognise the value of self-help tools in dealing with a range of issues, which is why we have a range of CBT self-help modules, informative fact sheets and invaluable advice videos from leading qualified counsellors.
Helpline services available to all members and their employees and family.
*Health Assured define immediate family members as spouse/partners and children aged 16 to 24 in full-time education, living in the same household.
Introducing the My Healthy Advantage smartphone app
In addition to the EAP, we are excited to offer you all access to My Healthy Advantage, Health Assured’s comprehensive health and wellbeing app.

The voice of optics
OSA is proud to be a founder member of the Optical Confederation. This coalition enables OSA as a trade body to influence responses to Government and other consultations, and to ensure that on the big strategic issues for the sector, we are able to help our members more than we could do on our own.
OSA communicate and collaborate with all optical stakeholders with the aim of bringing the optical community together.
OSA has played a vital part in the development of the Optical Confederation as the voice of optics. OSA members’ technology drives what optical professionals do today and their R&D shapes what professionals do tomorrow.
The simple truth is that, without successful business, there can be no clinical care, no research, no advances in diagnosis, no preventable blindness and no eye care or vision correction for all. Like OSA, the Confederation promotes both – the one supporting the other.