Moorfields Education courses coming soon
Stay informed of the many forthcoming educational events planned by Moorfields
Moorfields Education is delighted to announce the return of its International Uveitis symposium, taking place at the Royal Society of Medicine in London on 11-13 July.
Covering all main areas of interest in the field of uveitis, starting from basic aspects of the clinical presentations and advancing towards developments in diagnosing and treating these conditions. This three day event is not to be missed!
Alongside symposium leader, Professor Carlos Pavesio Consultant Ophthalmologist and uveitis specialist at Moorfields Eye Hospital, we have a vast range of national and international experts speaking, including:

Honorary Professor of Ophthalmology, University of Manchester, UK. Retired Consultant Ophthalmologist and Clinical Director of Uveitis Service, Manchester Royal Eye Hospital, UK

Associate Professor Rupesh Agrawal MD(Res) (UCL), MMed (Singapore), FRCS(Glasgow), FAMS, DNB, DO
Plus, our popular Macula course is back for 2024, on 3-6 June.
Joint vitreo retinal and ocular oncology symposium for nurses and allied health professionals, 27 April.

Online or in-person, London. This course will provide nurses and allied health professionals, including ophthalmic technicians with up-to-date knowledge of vitreo retinal and ocular oncology conditions and treatments as well as new innovations across both specialities.
Dilemmas in periocular & orbital tumour management course, 24 May.

Online or in-person, London. Ideal for ophthalmologists, oncologists, radiologists, consultants, senior registrars, fellows and allied health care professionals. Bringing together expert speakers from Moorfields Eye Hospital, including; Kaveh Vahdani and Tarang Gupta, Consultant Ophthalmologists, David Verity and Jimmy Uddin, both Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeons. Plus, UK and world-renowned Professor of Orbital and Ocular Oncology, Bita Esmaeli (pictured) from MD Anderson, Houston, USA.