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AOPs Mayopia Day returns

Dedicated myopia management education returns

The AOP’s MAYopia Day will take place on Sunday 21 May, 9.00am-6.00pm


OT, in partnership with the Association of Optometrists and headline sponsor CooperVision, have organised a second edition of MAYopia Day –   an education event centred on the management of myopia in clinical practice.

Myopia management strategies make up a rapidly developing industry in optometric practice. The lifetime risk of pathology linked to myopia has urged a shift in focus from vision correction to education about myopia management options. This full day event aims to support delegates’ professional development in the field with a diverse range of online webinar sessions that offer interactive CPD points.


The sessions have been developed in collaboration with CooperVision, Eyerising, Hoya, Essilor, Johnson & Johnson Vision and Topcon Healthcare, covering a range of topics from monitoring myopia progression in patients to dispelling some of the myths about myopia.


Experts from around the world will offer their insights into the clinical area including, Elizabeth Lumb, Director of Global Professional Affairs for myopia management at CooperVision, and Dr Monica Long, Global Director of Professional Education at Johnson & Johnson Vision.


Ian Beasley, AOP Head of Education, said: “Myopia is an emerging and rapidly advancing area of clinical practice where clinicians need to stay up to date on latest developments to influence myopia progression and effectively engage with patients and their families on myopia management. Optical interventions for management offer the opportunity to not only correct but also help protect against the risk of ocular comorbidities in later life.”


There are seven live webinars to choose from, and delegates are able to select specific sessions or attend the full programme depending on their clinical interests. Each session offers one interactive CPD points.


Wendy Steele, AOP Commercial Director, said: “Our focus at the AOP is to provide relevant and updated education that is tailored to key areas of clinical practice. As clinical interest continues to grow, we are offering a full day of training delivered by experts in myopia management that is available to all types of attendees, from those who have recently developed an interest to experienced practitioners aiming to update or reinforce their skills”.


For more information and to book your place on MAYopia Day, visit

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