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Invitations for the Paul Adler Bursary now acepted 

Invitations for the Paul Adler Bursary now acepted 

The British Association of Behavioural Optometrists (BABO) is pleased to accept applications for the Paul Adler Bursary.

Paul Adler is a founding fellow of BABO and originally wrote and delivered the Introduction to Behavioural Optometry course over thirty years ago. Over the past two years, Paul has revised and updated the course for online delivery and to show our appreciation for his hard work, BABO has created a bursary to fully fund one graduate Optometrist a year to take the two course modules.

Applications are invited from Optometrists interested in promoting, researching, or advancing Behavioural Optometry to apply by 15th May 2022.

OVT1a will run for 16 weeks from June 2022 with OVT1b to follow.

To apply or get more information on the course please visit