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GOC consultation on business regulation

GOC consultation on business regulation

The AOP is calling on members to help inform its response to the GOC as it reviews the framework for regulating businesses

The Association of Optometrists seeks members’ views on the General Optical Council’s (GOC) consultation on its new model for business regulation.

The GOC asserts that the current system of voluntary business registration results in an inconsistent application of its regulatory powers, and is setting out four key proposals:

  • Optical businesses that carry out specific restricted functions will be required to register with the GOC. These functions include carrying out eye examinations, contact lens fitting and supply, and dispensing optical appliances to under 16s and those registered as visually impaired
  • All businesses appoint a role, that the GOC currently refer to as the “Head of Optical Practice (HOP)”
  • Expanding enforcement options available to the GOC, including inspection powers and uncapped fines
  • Broadening the role of the Optical Consumer Complaints Service (OCCS), including requiring businesses to participate in the scheme.

The proposals aim to address five risks including, autonomy in the business environment, clinical governance, investment in equipment and training of staff, commercial considerations, and communication to consumers.

Dr Peter Hampson, AOP Clinical and Policy Director, said: “We welcome the consultation on business regulation as the requirement by the GOC for all businesses to register would indeed be in the best interests of patients and our members, and improve overall consistency in practice, but our concerns around how the proposals will be implemented will need to be addressed as part of the process.

“Issues such as the impact of the requirement to register on non-profit organisations providing sight tests, the potential for duplication of compliance obligations, and the challenges of adopting the outlined procedures in daily practice will need to be considered. Insights gained from our members will be vital in shaping our response to ensure the standards are appropriate and accurate.”

The closing date for the member survey is 13 December 2024, and the consultation will close on 22 January 2025.

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