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Student Bursary Scheme opens for 2022-23

Student Bursary Scheme opens for 2022-23

The Spectacle Makers’ Charity has this week opened applications for student bursaries for the 2022-23 academic year. 

Niamh, Bursary Student

Since launch, the bursary scheme has helped more than 100 students enrolled on degree and diploma courses in dispensing, orthoptics, optometry and allied subjects leading directly to a career in eye health care. Ophthalmic nurses and clinical technicians are also eligible.

The scheme typically receives around 200 applications in each cycle. Around one in ten applicants will receive a bursary. All applications are individually assessed by a panel of Trustees and awards are paid out by 31 March.

Bursary winners have to provide a short written or video report about their progress and one or two bursary winners will be invited to London by The Worshipful Company of Spectacle Makers to a special event in September to meet experienced people from right across the sector.


2021-22 Bursary winner Katherine

Chair of the Charity Liz Shilling said “Sadly, we can’t help everyone, and we know a bursary can only cover a small part of the costs involved, but we want to do what we can.

The Trustees are not looking for the highest school results or flashy presentations. They base their decisions entirely on each individual’s own story and their commitment to eye health. Everyone has the same chance to complete a simple online form and tell us why they chose their course, what they love about it, what makes them different and why they specially deserve that little extra bit of help.”

Details of the scheme have been sent to all UK academic institutions running relevant courses. The guidance notes and application form can be found on the Spectacle Makers’ website:

Bursary Application Form 2022 – The Spectacle Makers’ Charity.

The closing date for applications is midnight on Monday 12 December 2022.