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GOC suspends Helensburgh based optometrist from register 

GOC suspends Helensburgh based optometrist from register

The General Optical Council (GOC), the UK regulator for optometrists and dispensing opticians, has decided to suspend Andrew Maynard, an optometrist based in Helensburgh, Scotland from its register for 12 months.

A GOC Fitness to Practise Committee found his fitness to practise impaired on public protection grounds. This is in relation to not complying with conditions to his registration.

In November 2023, a substantive hearing determined that Mr Maynard’s fitness to practise was impaired by reason of misconduct. This was in relation to failing to make urgent referrals, keep adequate records of consultations, and carry out adequate examinations and assessments. His registration was made subject to conditions for 18 months.

A substantive review hearing in September 2024 showed that the conditions placed on the registrant had not been complied with and there was a lack of evidence of remediation and insight, which has led to a suspension being imposed.

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