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GOC workforce survey findings for eyecare professionals

GOC workforce survey

The GOC’s latest Registrant Workforce and Perceptions Survey 2023 shows that most respondents (62%) were satisfied with their role and felt their work was rewarding and interesting. In addition, 40% reported plans to gain additional qualifications.

The survey also found 53% work full-time and 47% part-time, while 22% reported they worked as locums.

The findings also revealed a worrying level of reported harassment, bullying or abuse and experiences of discrimination. For example, 41% reported harassment, bullying and abuse from patients, service users, their relatives, or other members of the public. Significant numbers also reported they had suffered this experience from other team members.

Steve Brooker, GOC director of regulatory strategy, said the GOC’s “public perceptions survey 2023 showed high levels of patient satisfaction and confidence in the optical professions, but, sadly, this is not matched in the experiences of our registrants.

“While it is positive to see that overall job satisfaction has remained stable in the past year, the significant and largely unreported levels of bullying, harassment, and abuse in the workplace are deeply concerning. It is critical for public protection and patient care that registrants can work in supportive environments without fear of abuse.”

Harjit Sandhu, managing director at FODO said: “The latest GOC survey provides important insights into registrants’ lived experiences. While many enjoy their work and are looking to gain additional qualifications, it is a great concern that so many have reported harassment, bullying or abuse and discrimination. This is totally unacceptable and we will work with sector partners across the sector to address this at all levels”

In addition, the GOC will work with the wider sector to address these serious concerns.

Read more about the GOC’s key findings:

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