Coming soon

Optos will be providing a report on the successful Webinar  on recent advancements in the detection of peripheral retinal changes, geographic atrophy, and AMD.


Content of Webinar

During this interactive panel discussion our speakers, including Simon Browning, Ian Jarvis, and Mehul Doshi, will discuss:

  • Methods for detecting both central and peripheral changes, such as structural assessments using retinal photography and OCT imaging, as well as functional evaluations through autofluorescent imaging.
  • Real-life case studies demonstrating how a multimodal imaging approach aids in disease detection and monitoring.
  • Appropriate referral protocols and management strategies for patients with age-related retinal changes.

The webinar was approved for 1 interactive CPD point for Optometrists.


Optos ultra-widefield (UWFTM) retinal imaging technology was created to help doctors save sight.

Only Optos devices can produce 200° UWF optomap® images documenting 82% of the retina in a single capture. Optos imaging is proven to improve practice efficiency resulting in less waiting room time*.  In addition, optomap images can be captured from a safe distance with no close face-to-face interaction. More than 20,000 Optos devices are in use worldwide and millions of patients have benefited from optomap UWF imaging.

optomap imaging is used by doctors to diagnose and manage hundreds of eye diseases, including detachments, AMD, and diabetic eye disease. optomap has even helped doctors uncover early-stage ocular cancers and cardiovascular disease resulting in life-saving treatments.

Contact us today to put the power of optomap into your practice (* Successful interventions to improve efficiency and reduce patient visit duration in a retina practice; Retina, 2021)


Read more about Optos Here

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