Jobs Online with Opchat News
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We make job hunting easy by providing a searchable database of current posts supplied by large recruitment agencies, large and small optical companies and individuals. Your search is made simple by selecting your job classification and preferred work schedule and the area you want to work in. Select these categories and all the opportunities in your area will be displayed.
All visitors to Opchat News Jobs Online can access the job opportunity page but remember it’s worth registering on the site so we can send updates of news and new entries on the site every 2 weeks via one email.
Featured Companies involved in Recruitment
Have a vacancy and Looking for staff?
Advertising for professional staff can be an expensive and disappointing experience, but now PHN through Opchat News Jobs Online can provide you with a platform where the recruitment pages are amongst our most visited by our site visitors now numbering around 30,000 per month and a readership of around 7,500 professionals each month.
Search by multiple fields
Being e-based ads published can be explored by profession:
Optometrists, Dispensing Opticians, Contact Lens Practitioners, Contact Lens Opticians, Orthoptists, Audiologists, Optical Assistants, Domiciliary Optometrists, Independent Prescribers, Certified specialists, optical admin, industry and hospital, pre-reg and trainee.
Also by type of work involvement:
full time, part time and locums, mat leave, emergency cover.
Search by region in the UK and International.
Or by Salary (between £ 1 to £20K, to 40K, to 60K and above
Each entry shows a start date and a closing date for the ad
E-advertising is far cheaper than traditional print media ads and allows you to control the time you wish to publish the position and to self populate the pages.
Large companies continually offering vacancies can purchase a license from PHN to add to Opchat Jobs Online without paying for each individual insertion. Others can pay online after selecting the length of publication time. It’s designed to be simple and effective so give it a try next time you need to solve your staffing problems or want to search for that perfect job in the region of your choice.
Choose your period length best suited to your ad (4, 6, 8 weeks) and pay by credit card or PayPal. (£65, £85 and £95). Regular advertisers can purchase a yearly tariff @£600 . You must be a registrant of PHN (Opchat, or an LOC hosted by PHN). Registration is free and once logged in you can access the Recruitment Ad Entry page.
Free Opchat Jobs Online entries for members of LOCs using PHN Secret Websites
LOCs that are renting a PHN webmanager website can allow their registered LOC members to advertise for free using a given one off license tariff code and their LOC login.
A valuable resource for those using and supporting PHN websites. An individual code will be given by PHN Jobs Online individually to each applicant after verification of their specific LOC membership .
Once your ad has been submitted with either a voucher number it will be automatically published after verification by the Opchat News Jobs Online Team..